Oddo Dentistry provides the best quality dental implants Turkey treatments; your Oddo dental implant Turkey journey starts with an online consultation; our experienced medical consultants will get you an individualized dental implants Turkey treatment plan from our experienced dentists after receiving your teeth photos, medical information and expectations. In order to get a free dental implant Turkey online consultation, find out more about dental implant cost Turkey and book for your dental implant treatments with the most advantageous dental implant cost, do not hesitate to contact us anytime.

Dental implant in Turkey

Dental implants are screw shaped devices fused into the jaw bone in order to replace a missing tooth root. They function same as the natural teeth roots; a dental implant Turkey supports the dentures, crowns, bridges, prosthesis and different types of orthodontic appliances as an anchor.

Missing teeth condition may occur by many reasons such as decays, physical trauma, aging or a disease effecting the dental health. Dental implants are artificial roots used in dental treatments to create a strong support for over the top pieces.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for Dental Implants?

Dental implants support the stability of dental treatments; they do not slip or shift. Combined with the talent and experience of the dentist, dental implant treatments provide very natural and life-long results. Dental implant treatments are suitable for those who would like to improve the aesthetic appearance of your teeth, the quality of chewing and biting and dental hygiene.

Dental implants can provide very effective and functional results for a wide range of people; but then again, in order to find out if you are a suitable candidate for the dental implants treatment, the most convenient way is to get a consultation from a qualified and experienced dentist. Dental consultations before implant treatments are beneficial for the identification of the problems with the teeth, diagnosis of any other dental issues that should be treated before the implant treatment, examining of the general dental structure and the suitability for the implants and discussing about the expected outcomes from the treatment. During these consultations, your dentist will advise you the best dental implant brand and design a unique treatment plan for your individual case.

In Oddo Dentistry, international patients can get online dental consultations for a more convenient and comfortable start to their dental implant treatment journey; our dedicated and experienced medical consultants and highly qualified dentists will help you with all the details of your dental implants treatment and answer all of your questions.

Dental Implant Cost Turkey

Factors Affecting the Dental Implant Cost Turkey

There are many factors affecting the dental implant cost. The cost of dental implants may vary depending on the dental implant brand, the number of required dental implants for the treatment, quality of the material used for the dental implant, quality of package services of dental implant Turkey, the inclusiveness of the dental implants Turkey packages.

While in many countries dental implants cost is known to be expensive, dental implant cost Turkey are famous for being the most affordable dental implants cost. Turkey receives a high number of patients for the most advantageous price rates for dental implants costs and the high level of dental expertise that achieves the best results of the treatment. Oddo Dentistry provides dental implant patients with the most advantageous dental implant cost Turkey. In Oddo Dentistry cost of dental implants are set in in the cheapest rate by including every service an international patient may need into the all-inclusive dental implants cost. Our medical consultants will inform you about dental implants cost and all package cost of dental implants details in your online consultation process.

Free Consultation Request

Dental Implant Procedure

The consultation process for dental implant treatments is quite significant for the accuracy and stability of the results. The empty spots should be examined closely; x-ray of your teeth will be needed. Any prior disease related with or without your dental health should be explained in detail.

Dental implant treatments usually require two separate sessions and some time in between those sessions especially if they are planned with high number of dental implants.

  1. First session is for inserting the dental implants into the jaw bone; after this, patients should wait for around 3 months in order for dental implants to completely settle in and fuse with the bone. During this time, temporary cover teeth may be placed over the implants to conceal them until the second session.
  2. In the second session of dental implant treatment, abutments and the suitable over the top devices are placed appropriately according to the rest of the dental implant treatment plan over the fused and settled dental implants.

In some cases, dental implant treatments can be performed in one session although it is not advisable. Please consult to your dentist to learn about the most suitable option for your case.

What Are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

Dental implants are very advanced dental treatments that offers a very high number of advantages.

Dental implants are very durable and strong; they are fused into the jaw bone and once they have settled there, they do not slip or shift. They become just like your own natural tooth root and last many years when they are taken care of properly.

Dental implants look as natural as your own teeth; dental implants are most commonly covered with dental crowns which are very effective to achieve the most aesthetic and natural appearance of your teeth. Your dentist will advise you the best materials and brands for the most natural and desired results and a charismatic smile.

Dental implants can contribute a lot to the general dental health and hygiene; after the treatment, patients more easily preserve their dental hygiene and feel more motivated to take of their dental health. Dental implants are very easy to take care of and do not require and special process to be kept clean and healthy other than what you do with your natural teeth.

Missing teeth may affect the speech as well; while many other temporary options to replace missing teeth can also affect the speech reversely, dental implants do not cause such problem. Since your implant will just like you own teeth, after the treatment you can speak naturally.

Dental implants support the jaw bone; after losing a tooth, bone loss can occur in long term since the missing spot is not stimulated by a tooth root. Dental implants can support the jaw bone and prevent bone loss.

Missing teeth can cause distortion of the healthy teeth in long term; when it is not replaced, other teeth may slide to the empty spot and become detached. Dental implants prevent this problem and helps all the teeth to remain in their regular place.

After dental implant treatment, patients feel much more confident while smiling, eating or speaking; achieving healthy and aesthetic teeth affect the self-confidence of a person on a huge rate. After the treatment patients say that they feel much better in the social and professional lives.

Recovery After Dental Implants

    • Aftercare process of your dental implant treatment is important and should be approached very delicately as instructed by your dentist.
    • Biting and chewing hard foods should be refrained until the recommended time by your dentist after dental implant
    • Pain, bleeding and swelling can be experienced. You will be prescribed with the proper medication in order to minimize the side effects of dental implant treatment and prevent any infection.

Key Facts

  • Operation Duration: Depends on the number of implants
  • Hospital Stay: Not required
  • Possible Side Effects: Pain, bleeding, bruising, infection, edema, swelling
  • Recovery Time: in 2-3 weeks for side effects (total recovery lasts 2-3 months)
  • Anesthesia: Local Anesthesia

Oddo Dentistry provides the best quality dental implants Turkey treatments; your Oddo journey starts with an online consultation; our experienced medical consultants will get you an individualized dental treatment plan from our experienced dentists after receiving your teeth photos, medical information and expectations. In order to get a free online consultation and find out more about dental implant cost Turkey, do not hesitate to contact us anytime..